March 31, 2012

NIFT Entrance Result 2012 | NIFT 2012 Results National Institute of Fashion Technology Result 2012

NIFT Entrance Result 2012 | NIFT 2012 Results National Institute of Fashion Technology Result 2012 : 1.As a result of NIFT 2012 Fashion Technology Entrance Examination 2012 conducted by the NIFT on the 12th of February, 2012 has been announced for now Result.

2.The results of NIFT BF.Tech in 2012, B. Are declared for B.Des., M. Des., MF. M and MF. tech programs. NIFT BF. Tech at candidates for the 2012 NIFT results can be: their roll number or name and date of birth entered.

3.NIFT 2012 results for B.Des, M. Des, MF.M and MF can be checked at tech events: Http :/ /
birth, or enter the roll number or name and date.

4.As a result of NIFT Entrance Results 2012, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India will be released through the official Web site.
NIFT Entrance Result 2012 | NIFT 2012 Results National Institute of Fashion Technology Result 2012
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