February 15, 2012

NAARM PGDMA Admission 2012-14 | PGDMA Admission NAARM 2012-14

NAARM PGDMA Admission 2012-14 | PGDMA Admission NAARM 2012-14
The National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) was established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at Hyderabad, in 1976, to address issues related to agricultural research and education management. In the initial years, the Academy primarily imparted foundation training to the new entrants of the Agricultural Research Service of ICAR.

1.National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) was established by the  Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at Hyderabad in 1976 to address issues related to agricultural research and education. In the beginning, Academy imparted the basic training to new entrants in the agricultural research service of the ICAR.

2.Eligibility: The minimum qualification for admission into the programmes is a FOUR YEAR Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following subjects from any Agricultural University or Institution recognized by the ICAR/UGC:

Agri-Business Management/Commercial Agriculture and Agri-Business Management/ Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Information Technology
Dairy Technology
Energy and Environmental Engineering
Food Technology/Food Process Engineering
Veterinary Science

3.Minimum Percentage: 50% or its equivalent OGPA. The students who are going to complete their degree by July, 2012 are also eligible to apply.

4.CAT Score: Must have appeared in CAT 2011 Examination

5.Applying for PGDMA - Batch IV (2012-14)

6.Obtain a demand draft of Rs.300/- ((Rs. 150/- in case of SC/ST) ) drawn in favour of “ICAR-Unit- NAARM” and payable at Hyderabad from any Bank You can download the application form at any time using the link, www.naarm.ernet.in/admissions/download.aspx

7.The last date of receipt of application at NAARM is March 15, 2012. NAARM is not responsible for late receipt of application due to postal delays. Application received in any other format would not be accepted.

8.For more details, visit: www.naarm.ernet.in/admissions/admission.aspx

National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030,
Phone: 91-40-24581429; 91-40-24581352; 91-40-24581307
Fax:91-40-24015912 & 91-40-24015926

NAARM PGDMA Admission 2012-14 | PGDMA Admission NAARM 2012-14
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