Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya University Results 2014 - RVSKVV Gwalior Result - www.rvskvv.nic.in 2014 :

1. Hello everyone, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya University Exam Results 2014 are on its official webpage http://www.rvskvv.nic.in/ . So, all the students who have appeared for those exams can check their results online on the official webpage or on our website. Click on the results page, enter your roll number in the space provided and download your results. You an even check your results and compare your marks using our webpage also.
2. History of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya University :
Dr. Hari Singh Gour University was established by Govt of India in 2008. It is situated at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. This university offers various science and agriculture courses such as M.Sc. (Extension Education), M.Sc. (Fruit Science), B.Sc. (Agriculture), M.Sc. (Vegetable Science), M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics), B.Sc. (Horticulture Science), M.Sc. (Agronomy), Ph.D. (Agriculture), M.Sc. (Floriculture and Landscaping), M.Sc. (Entomology), M.Sc. (Genetics and Plant Breeding), M.Sc. (Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry), M.Sc. (Plant Pathology) and Ph.D. (Horticulture).
3. RVSKKV results 2014 - http://www.rvskvv.nic.in/
4. Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya University Postal Address and contact details :
Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya
Opp. Mela Ground, Race Cource Road, Gwalior - 474 002
Madhya Pradesh
Fax : 0751-2467673
Phone : 0751-2467673 / 2467066
E-mail :vcrvskvv@gmail.com
Website : www.rvskvv.nic.in
5. If you want to receive all latest updates about RVSKKV Gwalior exam time table / date sheet 2014, RVSKKV Gwalior exam hall ticket 2014, RVSKKV Gwalior study material, Previous Question papers, Syllabus via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates stay in touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
RVSKVV Gwalior Result - www.rvskvv.nic.in 2014
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